She hulks slow debuff does not deactivate the champions unstoppable

So the champion boss has the ability to activate primal fury which causes unstoppable to occure. She hulk has a counter to him with her slow debuff which stops all unstoppable effects from occuring. So I go and use my she hulk on the champion with the slow debuff and he can still activate the unstoppable. During the 100-70% this did not do much since I could attack him during this phase while the unstoppable was active, so I believed this was just a visual bug, however during the next phase once I attacked into him he stunned me but he should not be able to do so because he can not have an unstoppable active during a slow debuff so he should not be able to stun me. He had 2 linked notes as well, those were all ability effects trigger 20% more and aspect of death.

It seems to always work, though the champs were all cosmic champs who don't tend to have any funky ability accuracy modifiers. It may still trigger on someone like Voodoo.
Also the 6.2.6 Champion has an enhanced Champion of the Universe ability which boosts the normal +% up to 65%(?). However from what I’ve seen it doesn’t come into play until the +20% AA incoming link is active.