Domino breaking block with video proof



  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,774 ★★★★★

    You have to hold block firmly and not let go a millisecond too early. What is true though is that the timing of when you can let go has changed. It used to be different. Now it’s the same again as it was when Domino came out and many players had the same issue with block breaking back then.
    It’s those small changes without any announcement that do make this game so tiring as you find yourself constantly in a position where you need to use potions because some metrics have been altered. Like bugs first being fixed and then being back on. Eg Omega Red taking psychic thorns Damage. And the frustrating part is that There won’t be any compensation. Which makes it look like it’s a strategy from developers.

    I don't disagree with your statement but you want them to announce a bug before its "found"? Not sure how they can do that....
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★★
    edited June 2019
    What I think is going on is similar to Luke Cage's SP1. Thay've said that his SP1 locks on to the opponent as the punches can push the opponent back. That's why you see him jump into you at the end of the animation. IMO, Domino's second M hit is programmed the same to lock onto the opponent and jump into them making it extremely hard to dex out of.

    So it's true that Domino doesn't "break blocks" but her first M def does not work like any other cahmp's first M.
  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★ the players saying this is fake.... it isn't.
    For months domino hit through my block. In particular in aw on node 53 ( sp2 unblockable node). This previous aw I blocked at the start of the fight ( I did not evade or try to evade), I ate a full combo after it initially blocked first hit. About 15 seconds later I blocked again and she just hit straight through it again ... dead.
    It is a genuine bug
    I lost corvus then lost lc.
    I had to restart my phone completely to get domino to interact properly again. I used magik to take her down no issues after restarting phone. I am using a Samsung s8.
    Since the update this bug has returned and also the bug where your character goes unresponsive while holding block it just runs straight into the defender. This also happens while trying to evade and I find myself blocking hits that I expressly evaded.

    Ask yourself this...while playing as domino, why can't you break defenders blocks?
    Ye it ain’t block break but pretty sure the update didn’t fix the problem so hopefully that can be sorted soon
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,774 ★★★★★
    Kobster84 said: the players saying this is fake.... it isn't.
    For months domino hit through my block. In particular in aw on node 53 ( sp2 unblockable node). This previous aw I blocked at the start of the fight ( I did not evade or try to evade), I ate a full combo after it initially blocked first hit. About 15 seconds later I blocked again and she just hit straight through it again ... dead.
    It is a genuine bug
    I lost corvus then lost lc.
    I had to restart my phone completely to get domino to interact properly again. I used magik to take her down no issues after restarting phone. I am using a Samsung s8.
    Since the update this bug has returned and also the bug where your character goes unresponsive while holding block it just runs straight into the defender. This also happens while trying to evade and I find myself blocking hits that I expressly evaded.

    Ask yourself this...while playing as domino, why can't you break defenders blocks?
    Ye it ain’t block break but pretty sure the update didn’t fix the problem so hopefully that can be sorted soon
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