Update 13.0 reward brackets

As the new update is round the corner, I suggest kabam not to distribute rewards to players like previous time on basis of their rating.
Rewards bracket should be based on prestige not on rating of champs.
Not everyone want to spend gold on their 2* &3* .
All players who are old and devoted more time should be judged on prestige not on rating.
As we can see all good alliance look for prestige while recruiting.
So, please make brackets of rewards according to prestige only.


  • parveshyadav_1parveshyadav_1 Member Posts: 71
    No sir, just tell me who deserve better rewards. One who have more prestige but low rating or one who have low prestige but high rating as he have maxed out 2* & 3*
  • EgyptOverseerEgyptOverseer Member Posts: 387 ★★
    Updates do not equal rewards. Those rewards were because of specific circumstances.
  • parveshyadav_1parveshyadav_1 Member Posts: 71
    Egypt, everyone's expecting some rewards after new update 13.0.
    In the light of it I wanted kabam to give this suggestion.
    If not this, then they can consider both as criteria.
    I personally feel betrayed when less strong guys get more rewards when they have more rating and no 5/50 and get gems for 5*
  • AxeCopFireAxeCopFire Member Posts: 1,115 ★★★
    It's just an update... no one said there was going to be any free stuff
  • parveshyadav_1parveshyadav_1 Member Posts: 71
    There will be .. There were free stuffs with every new version.. :smile:
  • parveshyadav_1parveshyadav_1 Member Posts: 71
    And there should be, they game is still full of glitches. many times had to use resources due to glitches
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