New Background/Stage Ideas

What's up fellow summoners!
If I recall correctly, we haven't had any new additions to the stages (backgrounds for the fights) in quite some time (perhaps it was Age of Ultron?).
New backgrounds for fights are overdue!
Here are a few ideas:
1. Civil War inspired: Leipzig airport scene, Siberia, basement of Winter soldier camp where Cap and Iron Man fought, Lagos
2. Dr. Strange inspired: London scene with the "trippy" inverted/"Inception" like look, Dormammu's realm
3. GOTG Vol 2 inspired: Ravager party scene, Ego's planet surface, Ego's interior fight scene
4. Homecoming inspired: Washington Monument, night school bus scene from trailer
5. Iron Fist inspired: K'un-Lun
6. Removing the snowfall (Iceman event ended awhile ago).
Just my thoughts but adding more backgrounds with each new Marvel release on TV or film would be amazing!
What are your ideas?
If I recall correctly, we haven't had any new additions to the stages (backgrounds for the fights) in quite some time (perhaps it was Age of Ultron?).
New backgrounds for fights are overdue!
Here are a few ideas:
1. Civil War inspired: Leipzig airport scene, Siberia, basement of Winter soldier camp where Cap and Iron Man fought, Lagos
2. Dr. Strange inspired: London scene with the "trippy" inverted/"Inception" like look, Dormammu's realm
3. GOTG Vol 2 inspired: Ravager party scene, Ego's planet surface, Ego's interior fight scene
4. Homecoming inspired: Washington Monument, night school bus scene from trailer
5. Iron Fist inspired: K'un-Lun
6. Removing the snowfall (Iceman event ended awhile ago).
Just my thoughts but adding more backgrounds with each new Marvel release on TV or film would be amazing!
What are your ideas?