We have a 66555, 5x5, and 5,4/5,444 group. U can join our 5,4/5,444 group as long as ur active. You can progress faster from our AQ rewards even though you'll be in our map4 grp. Line: =VENGEANCE=
We run Map 5 but have a group that runs Map 4 everyday that you’d be welcome to join. Otherwise we’re a 13m Gold 2 alliance, so a decent standard. I’ve sent you a friend request in game but add me on Line; crazyjamie84.
We run map 4/3/2 depending on war days, consistently hitting 40M in AQ. Casual alliance, no donations. LINE not mandatory. We hit about 400k in summoner advancement and expect no minimum milestones.. In-Game ID- Reynie3 LINE ID- Reynie3
Casual alliance, no donations. LINE not mandatory.
We hit about 400k in summoner advancement and expect no minimum milestones..
In-Game ID- Reynie3
LINE ID- Reynie3