SW still worth AG?

Battle_GreninjaBattle_Greninja Member Posts: 327 ★★
As the title says plz suggest and give reason for your choice.

SW still worth AG? 32 votes

LeNoirFaineantEthans8279HairyslugTwmRAKTEKcharaderdude2daveyj_196_Repto23StatProfToxicBladeCharlie_SceneGustavo20Battle_GreninjaLordRaymond3Manar198xblurblotON12355doctorbFhfjghhggggjfhfjgX_Factor_Agent 30 votes
Spity68adqqedfyvr 2 votes


  • edited July 2019
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  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    She’s the best mystic in the game
  • Repto23Repto23 Member Posts: 840 ★★★
    She is so great they won't add her as anything higher than 4* (and made 4* unable to do future content)
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I would say she is one of the most worthy. Most other 4*s you will probably get eventually as a 5* or 6*. SW is still one of the best and can't be acquired at higher levels.
  • Woody15Woody15 Member Posts: 544 ★★★
    Even unawakened she still hits like Tyson. I just duped her last week and didn't have any sig stones to use on her, but her sig still rocks. I can only imagine how awesome it is at higher levels
  • Battle_GreninjaBattle_Greninja Member Posts: 327 ★★
    @Woody15 , @LeNoirFaineant, @SquishyjrThe_4TH @Repto23, @Speeds80 How does the RNG works with her .Mean to ask the odds of Regain, Cruelty etc when getting hit and hitting opponents.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    She does better with higher signature and she needs to crit. Challenger rating means she will crit less against higher level opponents making her less viable for higher quests and still devastating for lower. What she procs from her Veil of Fortune is random, but she still gets plenty of regen, stun, etc., when she crits. She's not was she was by a long shot but still really good.
  • Woody15Woody15 Member Posts: 544 ★★★
    @Battle_Greninja every time SW lands a critical hit there's a chance to cause those buffs or debuffs. The higher her sig is the greater the chance. What buff or debuff she causes is random though
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
    Speeds80 said:

    She’s the best mystic in the game

    She’s not even close

  • daveyj_196_daveyj_196_ Member Posts: 442 ★★
    Always in my aq team. Great against sentinels.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Lvernon15 said:

    Speeds80 said:

    She’s the best mystic in the game

    She’s not even close

    As a 4* she isn't even close? If you could only use 4* mystics she'd be way down the list? Either you aren't considering the 4* aspect or you're just wrong.
  • Battle_GreninjaBattle_Greninja Member Posts: 327 ★★
    @Lvernon15 plz give your thoughts on why not.
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  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★

    @Lvernon15 plz give your thoughts on why not.

    Too much rng, she has regen but it procs about 1/80 hits, she has high damage potential but you rarely get a voice 2 damage boost buffs, sym supreme magik voodoo and Morningstar are all better imo due to higher reliability and more overall utility
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Lol not even close. I used sw over my r4 5* maxed magik or my 6* ss for aq for ages because she has regen, both of them do not, it’s an underrated ability to be able to go from half health to full health at any time just by punching. voodoo is a contender, weak against poison immune though but very controllable as sw is not. Morningstar also great but hits too weak as a 4*, with sw 40k l2s are not uncommon, her power steal and nullify ability’s are both great, i would say she is the best all rounder but does rely on rng. But as Lnf pointed out the other mystics you can get 5* so less point in using a gem on them, at ops stage in the game she’s gonna be very handy, I’ve done map 5s with just her, she kills sentinels in half the time that voodoo, ss, morningstar or magik do, and can heal while doing it
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