Slight buff to invisible woman

AssumedNameAssumedName Member Posts: 583 ★★★
First of all, I do not think invisible woman is a bad champion at all and I think she is far from it. However, I do think some minor changes could make her a safer champion to play. I really think she should be allowed to keep her vulnerability stacks after taking blocked hits. Considering how much ramp up you have to do, the fact that all that can be shut down from simply a parry is pretty ridiculous. I also think the number of vulnerabilities you have to get to get to her highest potential of damage should be reduced, considering it’s pretty impractical in some fights. Lastly, her force field should be able to cap sp 3 damage to 5% of max health, because if iceman can, then so should she, at the cost of losing all her force field or something like that.

I’m not asking for a full rework, but giving her these pretty minor buffs should make her more viable.


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