Buff Suggestion Yay or Nay: Deadpool X-Force

Deadpool X-Force:
So I had this idea of changing older champs' mechanics. One of my ideas is making Deadpool an aggressive, none trash champ. Attacking constantly ramps DPXF ability to bleed and power gain. Additionally, DPXF would be a fantastic option for longer fights if the opponent survives. The goal is to make bad, old champs slightly above average. Giving them powerful synergies with newer champs would also make sense for Kabam business wise I assume
For this champ, I also have an alternate version where bleed damage increases exponentially instead of duration. The duration would be a static 5 secs.
Also, DPXF currently has power gain and I'm undecided on whether not that should be omitted as he might gain too much power when opponent bleeds.
- Passive: Bleeds from all attacks start at [y] seconds long
- Passive: Bleed does an additional 5% damage than before. Also triggered
- Passive: Every additional bleed debuff has an increased duration of +[x]% the previous bleed. Resets once opponent no longer bleeds.
- Note: [x]= variable, dependent on sig level. Most likely start at 25%
- Note: Bleed duration is dependent on duration of previous debuff active. This means we see an exponential, not linear, increase in bleed duration
- Passive: Deadpool is bloody irritated of the game's rated T rating. For every bleed debuff, DP's power gain is increased by +7%.
- Note: Bleed debuffs stack is capped at [y]
- Note: [y] = constant, undecided yet. Not sure how powerful it'll be.
- Persistent Charge: Deadpool is mad at the developers so he decides to do some target practice. For every special 1 landed, Deadpool gains a persistent charge.
- Persistent Charge: Heavy attacks spends 3 persistent charges. This inflicts a stun lasting [x] seconds. (Does not work on robots or females)
- Note: [x] = variable, increases according to sig level. It'll probably be around 6 to 12 seconds
- Note: Heavy will not spend persistent charge when fighting a female or robot
- Pre-Fight Ability: Deadpool is tired of too many Spiderpeople. DPXF rewrites the code to change his class to give him an advantage when beating up different champs in different classes.
- Note: All previous abilities are retained
- Heavy: The scene from Deadpool where he jumps in the air, spins, and shoots. First hit is melee.
- Iron Fist/Immortal: Iron Fist teaches Deadpool some discipline. DPFX bleed chance increases by 10% per every 10 hits on the combo meter.
- Beast: Beast teaches Deadpool about debuffs. If the opponent is bleed immune, then a degen is inflicted instead.
- Note: Damage and ramp up mechanic for bleed is preserved. Degen remains a passive debuff.
- Domino: Deadpool tries to flatter Domino by imitating her. Instead, he accidentally gains power when hitting a blocking opponent.
- Note: Power gained through this is small. Undecided as of now.
- Namor: Namor's anger issues has now influenced Deadpool. Deadpool's special 1 now requires 2 persistent charges to activate stun.
So I had this idea of changing older champs' mechanics. One of my ideas is making Deadpool an aggressive, none trash champ. Attacking constantly ramps DPXF ability to bleed and power gain. Additionally, DPXF would be a fantastic option for longer fights if the opponent survives. The goal is to make bad, old champs slightly above average. Giving them powerful synergies with newer champs would also make sense for Kabam business wise I assume
For this champ, I also have an alternate version where bleed damage increases exponentially instead of duration. The duration would be a static 5 secs.
Also, DPXF currently has power gain and I'm undecided on whether not that should be omitted as he might gain too much power when opponent bleeds.
- Passive: Bleeds from all attacks start at [y] seconds long
- Passive: Bleed does an additional 5% damage than before. Also triggered
- Passive: Every additional bleed debuff has an increased duration of +[x]% the previous bleed. Resets once opponent no longer bleeds.
- Note: [x]= variable, dependent on sig level. Most likely start at 25%
- Note: Bleed duration is dependent on duration of previous debuff active. This means we see an exponential, not linear, increase in bleed duration
- Passive: Deadpool is bloody irritated of the game's rated T rating. For every bleed debuff, DP's power gain is increased by +7%.
- Note: Bleed debuffs stack is capped at [y]
- Note: [y] = constant, undecided yet. Not sure how powerful it'll be.
- Persistent Charge: Deadpool is mad at the developers so he decides to do some target practice. For every special 1 landed, Deadpool gains a persistent charge.
- Persistent Charge: Heavy attacks spends 3 persistent charges. This inflicts a stun lasting [x] seconds. (Does not work on robots or females)
- Note: [x] = variable, increases according to sig level. It'll probably be around 6 to 12 seconds
- Note: Heavy will not spend persistent charge when fighting a female or robot
- Pre-Fight Ability: Deadpool is tired of too many Spiderpeople. DPXF rewrites the code to change his class to give him an advantage when beating up different champs in different classes.
- Note: All previous abilities are retained
- Heavy: The scene from Deadpool where he jumps in the air, spins, and shoots. First hit is melee.
- Iron Fist/Immortal: Iron Fist teaches Deadpool some discipline. DPFX bleed chance increases by 10% per every 10 hits on the combo meter.
- Beast: Beast teaches Deadpool about debuffs. If the opponent is bleed immune, then a degen is inflicted instead.
- Note: Damage and ramp up mechanic for bleed is preserved. Degen remains a passive debuff.
- Domino: Deadpool tries to flatter Domino by imitating her. Instead, he accidentally gains power when hitting a blocking opponent.
- Note: Power gained through this is small. Undecided as of now.
- Namor: Namor's anger issues has now influenced Deadpool. Deadpool's special 1 now requires 2 persistent charges to activate stun.
Buff Suggestion Yay or Nay: Deadpool X-Force 6 votes