I want YOU to join the rankup discussion!

Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
edited July 2019 in Strategy and Tips

Who should I r4? I want to do Sig 132 Void, but as you can see I have 0 science cc. The quickest I could do is GR, and I do like him a lot as well, but I need gold and t4bc. I also just got Sparky, who I am psyched about, and have a 5* tech gem I could use for him. He is tied with void in terms of desirability, but I will need to rank him up from the ground up.

Advice pls 🙂

Screenshot info:
1. My only way to get t4cc as of rn
2. My t4 stuff (I have 7.5 t2A)
3. My relevant 5*s
4. Sparky 🎉


  • Ken328challengerKen328challenger Member Posts: 38
    ur so lucky. I don't have any 5 or 6 stars. I would rank morning star. that thing can make high damage
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Well you have 2 heavy hitters so I would probably look to utility now, Morningstar is actually underrated her ability reduction is handy, void, Morningstar, gulk and iwcap are all r5 worthy so no wrong decisions with any of them
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    edited July 2019
    For the record, I hate playing as MS. Her animations are too jerky for me to enjoy playing as her. Kinda stinks because I know she is pretty good, but she isn’t duped and she hits like a pillow for me.

    Also, I know who are good rankup choices. I want to know which is the best choice considering my inventory/situation.
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