Suggestion for July 4th and future offers

HI Kabam,
I can only speak for myself (but im sure many others feel the same) when i say how disappointed i was to see the differing tiers of rewards for Cavalier, Uncollected, Proven etc.
I understand that you are trying to offer a tiered level of structure to go with where people are in the game, but what you are actually saying is:
" Hey guys, your £100 isnt worth the same as this other guys £100."
If i go into a shop and buy a loaf of bread for £1, I expect the person next to me, regardless of their status, to get the same loaf of bread for the same price.
Making offers that are "exclusive" to a certain faction of your customer base alienates the others.
Case in point, i had a look at your unit offers, and was iniitally thinking about the 1k offer, then when i saw the deals the Cavaliers were getting, I immediately felt ripped off, and my mind switched off to any purchases.
Perhaps in future to remedy this, you could offer an offer of equal amounts, but varying content. Perhaps even ask the community for help with this.
FOr example:
lets just say
1 unit = 1 6 star shard ratio is fine, so 10k will get you 10k 6 star shards - 1 6 star
1 unit = 5 5 star shard ratio is fine, so 10k will get you 50k 5 star shards - 5 5 stars
1 unit = 10 4 star shard ratio is fine, so 10k wil get you 100k 4 star shards - 50 4 stars
So for the 10k offer you could say :
option 1
1 6 star
option 2
5 5 stars
option 3
50 4 stars
That would actually give people the choice to chooose. If they are early on, they may prefer to buy 4 or 5 star shard, or to get the 6 star shards and hoard etc.
If you didnt want to offer 6 star shards to newer players, then dont offer them the top option, but at least give them a comparable amount of items and value, so they dont feel so ripped off.
So Kabam, What do you think?
Is this a fairer way to do unit and cash based offers?
I can only speak for myself (but im sure many others feel the same) when i say how disappointed i was to see the differing tiers of rewards for Cavalier, Uncollected, Proven etc.
I understand that you are trying to offer a tiered level of structure to go with where people are in the game, but what you are actually saying is:
" Hey guys, your £100 isnt worth the same as this other guys £100."
If i go into a shop and buy a loaf of bread for £1, I expect the person next to me, regardless of their status, to get the same loaf of bread for the same price.
Making offers that are "exclusive" to a certain faction of your customer base alienates the others.
Case in point, i had a look at your unit offers, and was iniitally thinking about the 1k offer, then when i saw the deals the Cavaliers were getting, I immediately felt ripped off, and my mind switched off to any purchases.
Perhaps in future to remedy this, you could offer an offer of equal amounts, but varying content. Perhaps even ask the community for help with this.
FOr example:
lets just say
1 unit = 1 6 star shard ratio is fine, so 10k will get you 10k 6 star shards - 1 6 star
1 unit = 5 5 star shard ratio is fine, so 10k will get you 50k 5 star shards - 5 5 stars
1 unit = 10 4 star shard ratio is fine, so 10k wil get you 100k 4 star shards - 50 4 stars
So for the 10k offer you could say :
option 1
1 6 star
option 2
5 5 stars
option 3
50 4 stars
That would actually give people the choice to chooose. If they are early on, they may prefer to buy 4 or 5 star shard, or to get the 6 star shards and hoard etc.
If you didnt want to offer 6 star shards to newer players, then dont offer them the top option, but at least give them a comparable amount of items and value, so they dont feel so ripped off.
So Kabam, What do you think?
Is this a fairer way to do unit and cash based offers?