6.3 mil Alliance Looking for 3 Members
Member Posts: 3
Hi all, we at Coulson's Crew are looking for 4 active players with a minimum rating of 175k (we're flexible on this), at least 2 4* 5/50, and a good defensive team. We're looking for players who will follow rules and communicate with the alliance members. We're one of the most organized alliances you will find, and we are a force to be reckoned with in AW and AQ. We run AW three times a week, AQ5 once a week, and AQ2 or 3 pretty much non-stop. Please visit our website for more information:
http://tiny.cc/coulsoncrew-roster or add me or one of our officers in game (I'm Agent_Aqua_12). You can also add me on Discord, a free app our alliance uses for communication. Just add Agent_Aqua_12#1670 (capitalization matters).
http://tiny.cc/coulsoncrew-roster or add me or one of our officers in game (I'm Agent_Aqua_12). You can also add me on Discord, a free app our alliance uses for communication. Just add Agent_Aqua_12#1670 (capitalization matters).