Wolverine - Re-buff

007md92007md92 Member Posts: 1,381 ★★★★
edited July 2019 in Suggestions and Requests
I was confused about where to post this thread. Character wishlist for new champs. Soo may be request and suggestions.
I am posting these to get some views and ideas.

~Regeneration rebuff throughout entire fight

~Indistructable charges after every spacial attack for 2 seconds.

~start the fight with 2 Indistructable buff for 3 seconds. Every heavy attack removes 1 charge. (Got these idea from a AW node & slightly modified it. it's really creative & soo perfect fit for Wolverine, (it think))

~true strike buff throughout entire fight. It activates right after the beginner Indistructable charges are down due to 2 heavy attacks by opponents.

~Every 5 hit combo and a spacial gives 1 barserker rage buff for 2 second. When barserker rage is active wolverine ignore all kind of Armor & physiology and inflict 'true damage' & internal bleed (internal bleed - unique senergy with nick fury)

~rebuff the amount & timing of 'inflicting bleed debuff' to opponents.

~after a spacial 3 with berserk active wolverine can't be parried for 3 second.
And all dashing attack becomes unstoppable for 3 seconds (dashing unstoppable - unique senergy with night thrasher)

That's all. Nothing too complex i am hoping. Or nothing too crazy.
Just a little revamp can give wolverine
Some prestige & status with the current rosters.
And he is pretty lovable and famous throughout marvel fanbase.
And it would be really nice too see an OG character gets buffed. Like Spidey OG is soo good.

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