hero recruitment and exp

if you don't already then here's a tip like i said before do quest there are certain levels of quest you can do pick your recommend power and start with then play there is space, tech psychic/mystic , fighting,science ,mutant we all know who beats who so this should be easy there are AI players that are in the game do a certain amount of damage when a player is k.o you can use team and regular potions to heal that player saving crystals and shards are also a good thing earn potions by saving free crystals and use daily and extra crystals to get more players. if your earn shards is 100% guaranteed you will get 2,3,4,5,6 star players unlocked 5star is the limit for premium crystals ranking an leveling up players is also more accurate into this case for online battles and quest. use and save units to complete and earn crystals in the game that's another way to get characters in this game if you notice when the star turns sliver then its normal color that's a sign that the player is closer to either gain or become and is more of an elite player for this case using the chemicals they need to evolve will also help them rank up the game as well. like i said before do events and quest to get items and exp in the game.


  • FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Member Posts: 1,594 ★★★★
    Dude just stop. Literally nothing makes sense out of all you've said. It's clear you have no idea how this game works.
  • MeleeKingDK716MeleeKingDK716 Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2019
    shut up and mind yo business okay i don't care what you think its mt tips okay just pick on someone your own size
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