Collector's Crystal

Just wanted to open a discussion where we could share what we pulled which we didn't have. Some may pass on it, but I'm sure there are other Collectors out there.
Pulled a 1* Juggs so far. Trying for the 1* Spidey. Anyone else?

I mean these crystals should be 10 units each, 25 units each max. I mean weighing it out, 500 units is rough $20 bucks or several hours/days in the arena LOL.
I get it, it goes along with Action Figures, Comic Books, Trading Cards, so forth and so on. So I don't know, I am thinking about it. I would love the chance to "own them all" LOL
Thanks Kabam
with the new champs, i've collected 86 different two stars: right now i'm using this site to keep track of what i have and what i still need, but i think it has some errors, like not showing AA as a possible 2 star, so does anybody know if there's another site that i could use that is 100% accurate?
But I agree, 50 units is too much. I’d buy them for 10 or 20 units a piece.