Sunday, Sunday, Sunday I want my fun day.

I, like a lot of people in the MCOC community, am off work on Sunday. So why is it such out dated events on a day we can actually play easier?
The Sunday crystalcoracopia has not changed in all the years I’ve played this game. I was kinda hoping that when I hit uncollected this would change to higher crystals to make it worth while spending the time on the grind. I’d love to get grandmaster crystals out of a Sunday event.
Then there’s the GM Free for All. Gold. We would much rather get Gold than the random bits from running this sad set up. Which has not changed in the years I’ve been playing either. But seriously, Gold. This should be a gold rush event.
Every Sunday giving people a reason to play seams like a good idea to me.
Sundaay is when many people have the most time and I makes sense to have better events then