Building Poise charges

What techniques do you veteran sparky players generally use to build poise charges? I’ve backed myself into a corner more often than I would like with my new sparky.
To make it easier, two questions:
1. What is your movement like when building poise charges initially (like hitting into block or double medium then dodging, never making contact, etc)
[Be as detailed as necessary for this ⬆️]
3. How many poise should I get myself to before attacking generally?
Feel free to add any other tips
To make it easier, two questions:
1. What is your movement like when building poise charges initially (like hitting into block or double medium then dodging, never making contact, etc)
[Be as detailed as necessary for this ⬆️]
3. How many poise should I get myself to before attacking generally?
Feel free to add any other tips
I just dext, but I avoid getting cornered. So I dext, and I mixe it up with parry, intercepts usually.
Mine is a maxed 4* 5/5 duped. I can build to 5-7, or more depending on who I fight. 10 charges against big Cheese boss is usually what I am going for.
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