Advice on 4*

Hey guys.
My first 4* was x force Deadpool, which seatin said is complete trash.
However, an hour ago I got an Imiw.
I already have a 3* duped rank 4 imiw and I know that he is strong, so I will max him, and while I'm on it, I'll use the 3* guy because he is duped. Is that correct?
And we'll, does 4* imiw deserve to be maxed ASAP?
My first 4* was x force Deadpool, which seatin said is complete trash.
However, an hour ago I got an Imiw.
I already have a 3* duped rank 4 imiw and I know that he is strong, so I will max him, and while I'm on it, I'll use the 3* guy because he is duped. Is that correct?
And we'll, does 4* imiw deserve to be maxed ASAP?
DPX I probably wouldn't take past R2. Even certain 3* mutants will help you a lot more than he can.