Get a victory in quest, but...

Animejay70Animejay70 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
SO I KO an opponent in a quest, but as i get to the victory pose, i lose connections. I get a connection again and (WOW) lost half of my health on a champion and i have to fight the same champ again. I had already WON for crying out loud! When i get KO'd i know it registers immediately because I been disconnected at the KO scrfeen in the past and it didn't reset my champ to half health.

This is BS. This should not happen. I haven't finished the quest yet, but i may have to use resources.

It's ridiculous that the same rules don't apply when I get KOd as when i freaking WIN!


  • NobleFourNobleFour Member Posts: 28
    Yeah happens to me like 1-2 times a week too, just very annoying.

    Happened to me after beating wolverine in ROL with no revives and units left, stopped playing for 2 weeks after that...

    Strange that this only happens if you win, never see it happen when I get knocked out....
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    I had that before. Iron Man fighting an immunity symbiod on map 5, and I think anyone who takes that path knows how difficult and consequential it is to even get hit by that thing. Made it through, nice fight with 90 hits dealt, but then it just infinite loads at the victory screen, then it disconnects me, I reconnect and bam, symbiod still there and my health halved.

    I was pretty damn annoyed at that point, but I had no choice. I fought him again and I won. Plus, I managed to arc overload to 70% health just before I won, whereas the previous attempt I used my arc overload and was at 20% health. So HAH, the one time I could laugh back at Kabam for that disconnect.
  • Animejay70Animejay70 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    i ended up not having to use resources, but it's still an unfair implementation.
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