💥 Low Stress But Active Alliance LF 100% Boss Killer 💥

We are currently looking for players who will help us achieve our goal of 100% AQ Maps (3 & 2). We are looking for strong active loyal team players that want to find a good home with a good bunch of people to help grow and progress the alliance together.
We are a pretty relaxed, low stress, alliance with no set event minimums or donations. We run 3 AQ Maps (3 & 2) and participate in War (2 Battle Groups)
Min rating 150k+ (must have a few R5 4Star and atleast 5 x R4 4Star). Line app is essential.
Ally Tag: E11a
If you think we might be a good fit for you then please feel free to contact us anytime or you can leave a comment below and we will be notified:
In game: shells or Rage2099
Line: shellyshelly88 or Rage 2099