Who should I rank up first for Act 5: Scarlet Witch or Symbiote Supreme?

JohnHSJohnHS Member Posts: 509 ★★★
So I pulled 4* Scarlet Witch and Symbiote Supreme from Premiums in the last week. I've got 4 T4 Mystic catalysts. Which one should I Rank 5 first? (SW is dupe level 20 after I used an awakening gem on her, and Sym Supreme is unduped)

Who should I rank up first for Act 5: Scarlet Witch or Symbiote Supreme? 6 votes

Scarlet Witch
DragonUnleashedGiodood_1 2 votes
Symbiote Supreme
KillerRino19amal_nairLainuaNiggramps 4 votes
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