Buff List Needs To Be Changed



  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    V1PER1987 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    V1PER1987 said:

    Jaded said:

    The list was based on Data that we collected. The Champions we had listed were statistically performing worse than others in game. This includes factors like Damage Dealt vs.Damage Taken, as well as their utilization.

    The Champions you've listed may get a lot of conversation, but are statistically performing better than other Champions. We haven't released any Champions as 6-Stars that were performing/being utilized as low as those were.

    Statistically speaking, they're not doing as bad as the others that were on that list. That's not to say that they won't be buffed in the future, but they're not as high as a priority as these were.

    Would love to see these stats for interest purposes.
    Yes I would like to know the data being collected because if you’re talking about damage dealt, Venompool, OML, and HtD dish out more damage than Magneto, HB, Jugg, and Rhino. Damage taken isn’t really a great factor because Magneto has a sig ability that is essentially a weak safeguard (terrible sig), and 3 tanks with above average armor.
    Damage taken verses damage delivered is an extremely common measurement metric. It often underlies some of the balancing design guidelines used to create things in the game in the first place. Although it has some flaws, I've used it myself as a balancing metric for reward generation systems.
    I was debating whether or not to respond to this but I figured why not. I don’t see how that would be an extremely common measurement metric. It doesn’t really give any meaningful data. You are going to tell me that the less damage taken equals a good champ? I have an even better metric. It’s called play the game. Or even ask the community. I will concede that they did ask the community who we wanted buffed first, but the players should’ve voted on that list in the first place. The easiest measurement metric is maybe, I don’t know, playing the game? Anyone who plays the game for any period of time will quickly see which champs are better and which desperately need help. I guess the players don’t know what’s best for them though right?
    To be fair the majority of the community is horribly wrong or shortsighted on a regular basis. If it was up to them, UC difficulty would be more like normal and LoL would be like ch1 of RttL
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    edited July 2019

    V1PER1987 said:

    I’m not usually one to defend Kabam, but honestly, Old Man Logan & Colossus both needed buffs. If you are among the few who actually like OML right now, prior to his buff, good for you. But the majority of us are unhappy with him currently. Saying that he shouldn’t get a buff because you are among the few that currently enjoy him is a pretty selfish move.

    I do however, in the future, think we should get more 6* Buffs. I have no idea why 6*’s aren’t getting buffed. Maybe they want to give us all trashy 6*’s? I don’t know, but it’s pretty stupid. The only 6* to be buffed since 6*’s were even released was Gamora. Time to give 6-stars like Magneto, Hulkbuster, Deadpool X-Force & Iron Fist some love.

    So I am selfish because I see more value in Logan than I do Magneto? That’s a bold statement to make. Who said I even use him or enjoy him? I just made statements based on fact. Logan has a lot more going for himself than HB or Magneto and that’s why I made this post in the first place. Logan is actually useable whereas HB isn’t. Magneto is only ever used because of his psychic immunity.
    I’m saying you complaining that OML is getting a buff & not others is pretty wack. Obviously, there are WAYYY more Mutant characters in need of a buff, like Mags & DPXF. But I prefer not to complain about any buffs to any characters...
    This isn’t a complaint post. It’s a suggestion post. It’s meant to illustrate reasons why I think other champs should be reworked over the current list. That’s what’s wrong with this forum is anytime someone makes a constructive post, it’s cut down by other members saying it’s whining and complaining.
  • GravediggerMCOCGravediggerMCOC Member Posts: 193
    maybe abomb or doc strange could be buffed
  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
    First of all, o vnnj

    maybe abomb or doc strange could be buffed

    Why comment on a thread that's over a year old?
  • GravediggerMCOCGravediggerMCOC Member Posts: 193
    Neotwism said:

    First of all, o vnnj

    maybe abomb or doc strange could be buffed

    Why comment on a thread that's over a year old?
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