Featured 4 star crystals

Good evening or Good morning fellow summoners, I have made this discussion before and it just keeps getting to me. Why don’t we have featured 4 star crystals. It annoys me that I always buy the 4* crystal and always get a Thor or carnage. So why don’t we have a 4* featured crystal for maybe 5-7k shards. I know I will have some disagreements and agreements so comment below and tell me what you think because I really would love a featured 4 star crystals. I appreciate you reading my post.😀
In this game intermediate player suffers too much
Yeah I’m trying to get another account going free to play I guess you could say and I just keep getting trash. Like the best champ I have is Morning star
Plus 5-7 k is you much,comparatively speaking. 3k is the more accurate amount.
Yup I 100% agree