Bad Luck for crystal hoarding?

TeamMRATeamMRA Member Posts: 14
Ok so I saved up for about a month on champion Crystal's and I opened the following:

60 Premium
5 3*
10 4*
3 5*

my 5* was Moonknight and 2 Beasts in succession

While I appreciate there is luck in opening Crystal's to get 2 5* beasts out of 3 seemed a little unfortunate
Is it wise to save shards or open straight away ?
Note I did pull 1 4 star from premium (yondu dupe) out of 60 Crystal's

Is the luck random or do players have better luck if they spend units on crystals?


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 13,933 ★★★★★
    Again, it's random ... It's pretty possible for you to get the same champion multiple times in a certain amount of crystals.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,488 ★★★★★
    Saving Shards or opening right away both have the same results. Spending doesn't change the outcome either. It's just more chances at the same RNG.
  • WardenZeroWardenZero Member Posts: 722 ★★★
    Spending units on crystals does not in any way give you better luck unless you purchase a crystal that has better drop rates. It only seems that way because if you buy 500 PHCs you're probably going to get a 4* from a few. However, if you buy a PHC and I form one from shards, we have the exact same chance to pull something good. Remember:
    When you buy crystals, the quantity increases, not the quality!
    Better luck with future pulls!
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,899 ★★★★★
    Actually your result is not bad, but I wondered if you're talking about 5* from PHC? I only pull 5* from Grandmaster but I can't remember if I get any from PHC.
  • TeamMRATeamMRA Member Posts: 14
    5* from 5* shards had 30000 of them
    2 beasts and 1 moonknight
  • BrazenhutBrazenhut Member Posts: 133
    The OP has not made any conclusion.they are just talking about their experience and asking a question to the others. No need to call this a ‘wild conclusion’.

    Would you please tell me which part of your data led to this wild conclusion?

    It's random and there's literally nothing out of the ordinary here.

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