Sw regen
Member Posts: 1
Okay so. I know what I'm about to say is pretty much a broken record and useless but I'm gunna say it anyway. I had Sw r5 Sig 99 before the nerf it was amazing and everything was easy. So I completely understood why she needed a nerf. So I deranked her back to r4. Recently I brought her back up to r5 and said ah wth I'll give it another go. Now I'm not saying she should be getting a ton of heals all the time. But it's obvious that there is a problem. On the rare occasion she gets a heal to proc and I mean maybe once a week if even. Its on average. Either the first few hits of the fight. Or the last. Which imo is not fair. Now what I don't understand is why she gets all these other buffs or debuffs no problem. Why are all of them not equally possible to proc through her ability? That seems pretty fair to me. I mean technically it's how she was "intended to work" now I know. Kabam likes to change their minds and rules when things don't go their way. So I won't hold my breath for kabam to make things truly fair. Like say. Idk maybe equal chances at all her abilities? Maybe cap the heals at 2 max like thors armor break? I mean I think that's pretty f-in fair to be honest.I don't know about the rest of you loyal. Wonderful. Possibly paying summoners. But I dumped a ridiculous amount of time and money to get my sw to Sig 99. You would think kabam would compromise after all these legitimate complaints and arguments by now.nope.all we get are halfassed answers or the essential we are kabam. We rule this land.give us your money so we can let you down replys. Again I'm not saying make her over powered. All I'm saying is just actually maybe try and really just CONSIDER making her actually fair and meet us in the middle somewhere. Ya know. You make us happy and we make you happy kinda deal. We got all these new champs now with ridiculous abilities and you all don't see anything wrong with that right? But God forbid Sw actually gets a heal when needed. **** I'd be happy with one heal per fight in the middle of the fight. It's a slap in the face to your customers when all we get is no heal. Or heals at the start or last hit. And if by chance your one of the lucky people who still gets heals well then I envy you lol. Well I think that about wraps up my broken record of a rant. If you made it this far I thank you for reading and commend you on actually sitting through this probably useless rant