I cant find anything on the buffs too collosus I saw it a week or so ago just curious if any1 has any info on if and what is being done with him and old man logan.
The information you saw was data mined. Nothing has officially been released yet. They're working on preparing the Beta, but it's up in the air at the moment. What I can say is they don't know if they will have enough time to do OML yet or not.
I hope they get to both, they need it. Should be soon though. If I was to guess they won't be buffed with the next update but the one after but could be wrong. Here's hoping for the next update in a couple weeks.
You can find the info on Colossus on YouTube. Most people know who seatin is, so look up him. Colossus. Not collosus
That's the data mined info. Not at all confirmed what's coming. They're preparing ideas for the Beta. Might be a window, but it's not the guaranteed changes coming. That's what happens when people jailbreak the data. It gets released mid-process.
No jail breaking the info is what happens when they don’t share info along the way... who would it hurt to say “here’s what we got so far, it’s just a rough draft though” keep on being their cheerleader though.
No jail breaking the info is what happens when they don’t share info along the way... who would it hurt to say “here’s what we got so far, it’s just a rough draft though” keep on being their cheerleader though.
Exactly. There's zero transparency. Even a rough description would've sufficed. But nope, they can't even do that.