15 million (average rating ~500K), map 3-4 AQ. 1-2 BG War. No donations.
Need a few more active players. Trying to get back to being one of best casual alliances in game. Almost there. Have a few spots open to replace less active players. If you’re between 100K - 1,000,000+ rating, we have a spot for you if can help 100% AQ during the week. War is optional and we like to win so we prefer the tougher players to join War to raise our chances of winning. Other than that, you do not have to be a powerhouse to contribute here and help us complete a AQ.
We use LINE. If you’re capable of clearing and can still contribute and make progress, it is not required. Mainly use it for War and just to joke around and chat with each other. Have posted here so many times and so many of you have missed out on such a great opportunity to get the most out of the game without having to worry about hardcore Tier 1-5 Wars or Map 5,6,7 AQ. We can’t give you the same rewards as the top alliances, but you can still acquire the resources needed to level up champs at a decent rate here. Quit being a bum and ignoring an offer that is too good to be true and get what you deserve. We’re jot a piece of **** alliance like so many on here constantly trying to recruit and we’re jot a hardcore alliance that can give you all you can eat rewards, but we’re the perfect place to be if you have a real life like work, school, kids, etc... but like playing on a daily basis.
The only thing we ask is that you do your part. Replacing/kicking players and having someone who is a bum taking their spot is not what we’re doing here. So don’t waste or time and we won’t waste yours.
Add fixitmobb on LINE or add Fixit Mobb in game for invite. Or even easier, request to join Fixit Crime Syndicate. We are full but constantly striving to have 30 active contributing members. That seems like an impossible task this day, but we’re doing our best. All we ask is you do the same. Thanks for your time. If you live by the code and understand the meaning of loyalty and respect, you might be able to understand that we are the only true mafia of MCOC and you might just fit in perfectly here. You don’t earn, you don't eat. Get down or lay down.
We use LINE. If you’re capable of clearing and can still contribute and make progress, it is not required. Mainly use it for War and just to joke around and chat with each other. Have posted here so many times and so many of you have missed out on such a great opportunity to get the most out of the game without having to worry about hardcore Tier 1-5 Wars or Map 5,6,7 AQ. We can’t give you the same rewards as the top alliances, but you can still acquire the resources needed to level up champs at a decent rate here. Quit being a bum and ignoring an offer that is too good to be true and get what you deserve. We’re jot a piece of **** alliance like so many on here constantly trying to recruit and we’re jot a hardcore alliance that can give you all you can eat rewards, but we’re the perfect place to be if you have a real life like work, school, kids, etc... but like playing on a daily basis.
The only thing we ask is that you do your part. Replacing/kicking players and having someone who is a bum taking their spot is not what we’re doing here. So don’t waste or time and we won’t waste yours.
Add fixitmobb on LINE or add Fixit Mobb in game for invite. Or even easier, request to join Fixit Crime Syndicate. We are full but constantly striving to have 30 active contributing members. That seems like an impossible task this day, but we’re doing our best. All we ask is you do the same. Thanks for your time. If you live by the code and understand the meaning of loyalty and respect, you might be able to understand that we are the only true mafia of MCOC and you might just fit in perfectly here. You don’t earn, you don't eat. Get down or lay down.