We do 5x5 (with the occasional no-war map 6), score 130 million per week, very active and friendly/talkative group, looking to fill a few spots after the season ends. Send me a request in game and feel free to check us out (name is the same)
Check out my profile. Me and niece and a bunch of our friends our starting our own ally because we were fed up with the treatment we received in our soon to be former alliance. We hope to be running 5x5 ASAP and gold ASAP as well, but know it may take a few weeks. We are all really good people and finding great people as well as great players truly matters to us. I put up 1 mil in gold in donations a week to help keep donations low. If you’re interested, please find me on:
Check out my profile. Me and niece and a bunch of our friends our starting our own ally because we were fed up with the treatment we received in our soon to be former alliance. We hope to be running 5x5 ASAP and gold ASAP as well, but know it may take a few weeks. We are all really good people and finding great people as well as great players truly matters to us. I put up 1 mil in gold in donations a week to help keep donations low. If you’re interested, please find me on:
Line: Aethyros
IGN. Aethyros
Check for me on SciArtist