Don't have time for 5x5 AQ or higher but still want to progress? LF4 skilled veterans

We're looking for skilled players that don't have time to be part of a 5x5 AQ or higher alliance but still want to keep progressing in the game. We are a laid back group of adults that enjoy the game and used to grind pretty hard. We got burned out and realized we were fine with slowing it down a little bit and still being able to progress.

We have always been in Gold 1 for AW except for two seasons. Both times we got Gold2 were during times of rebuilding the alliance. We do our best to win in AW, but don't force anyone to use items. We only do map 4 for AQ and expect to get 100% each time. If we don't, we don't get too upset because we understand that life gets in the way sometimes. But the expectation is that players will be reliable in AW and will do their best to do their part in AQ.

We don't have any event minimums or donations. We all still log in enough and play the game where we still get milestone rewards for alliance events. The only thing that's mandatory is that we use LINE to communicate.

If this sounds like something you want to be a part of, contact me at:
IGN: Dash-Rendar
LINE: dash--rendar (two hyphens in between)
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