Quest Energy Needs Improvement

I've been playing now for at least a year and have very much enjoyed the game so far despite issues that surface up, one of which is energy spend. Until recently I didn't have issue with energy, I could grind at least two difficulties of the event quest either without buying refills or if I didn't have time on my hands with buying a couple and still have some time at the end of the month for getting rank up resources and story questing. However, during this month especially, I've been feeling the pressure of a lack of enough energy to finish content in time. It's to the point that I've actually felt inclined to just exchange corral, class passes, whatever it is for lesser rewards. I think that's a shame because I'd love to play the content the team has put in effort to make, but there's just not enough energy for event quests, side quests, rank up quests, and story quests without having to get far too many refills. I'm not saying that it should be possible to run straight through content in half a month, but just for it to be enough to reduce the stress of will I have enough energy. If someone could please do something about this I'd appreciate it; I know the community has already given some suggestions, and I appreciate whoever takes the time to read this long post.