Officers to be able to move/remove players in AW battlegroups

despot1despot1 Member Posts: 20
Since a lot of the times, it happens that someone enters BG that is not assigned to him in Alliance War, and that makes war that is lasting 48 hours quite bad since it was not something that this alliance wanted. Guys are getting frustrated by this issue... Frustration at some point leads to quitting the game... Please enable officers to move players from one Battle Group to another in order (or remove if there is one BG) to make players more satisfied and secure while playing. They would be surer that their Alliance is going to achieve a goal that they want.
For example, some new players join the alliance, and they don't read rules and enter some BG and place some low lvl champions. At this point, it would be great if the officer could remove him from the battlegroup just to try to tell him the rules of the alliance.
With this update, Alliances would make more sense since they will be able to manipulate it in the way they think they will progress best.


  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    Get people who listen, I mean how hard is it to join the right bg
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