L4 2x w/ LINE - 5x5 120m+ Gold 2 > G1

Looking for 2x USA timezone after AW season rewards drop. PM me on LINE = sfsilicon. Send me a profile pic and top 11.


Horsemen Of The Apocalypse [T4H-A]

Organized, 3+ year old, team focused, 18M+ alliance looking for:

- Active members in game and on LINE chat.
- Experienced Map5 (5x5 all 3x BG) and willing to push for Gold 1 war.
- Focus is AW but we also do 120M+ AQ.
- Be ready to join AW/AQ early, coordinate on BG chat and move every 4-5h.
- Open communication, No drama, No BS!
- Donations are the usual 75k gold + 5k loyalty.
- Min. 6k prestige please, we need good D. Exception possible for boss killers

We maintain a good group of independent fun people and succeed together. We cut you slack if real life gets in the way, but expect you to do the right thing if can't put in the effort. No grind requirements, but everyone contributes towards rewards. Experienced officers team that actively manages Alliance goals and difficulty to make sure we grow as a team together.
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