Who to rankup

I have recently ranked up 5* Hyperion to R4. Now I dont have t2a to upgrade 5* Omega red to R4. Others are Darkhawk r3, Proxima r1, Gwenpool r1, Hawkeye r1, Red hulk r1, Karnak r1, Beast r1, Crossbones r2... I dont want to upgrade these as of now.
I have maxed out 4* as korg, gwenpool, void, sym supreme.I got some good 4* . So I am thinking of 1/2 4* to maxout by the time before upgrading Omega...
I completed 100% of last 3 months EQ. Done with 5.2.3. So I am targetting to get Uncollected by next month... So suggest me which 4* to max out who help me in getting Uncollected. btw I am in a tier5 gold2 ally with AQ map553. So suggest me champs who will help me the most...
I have maxed out 4* as korg, gwenpool, void, sym supreme.I got some good 4* . So I am thinking of 1/2 4* to maxout by the time before upgrading Omega...
I completed 100% of last 3 months EQ. Done with 5.2.3. So I am targetting to get Uncollected by next month... So suggest me which 4* to max out who help me in getting Uncollected. btw I am in a tier5 gold2 ally with AQ map553. So suggest me champs who will help me the most...
Who to rankup 3 votes
Cap IW Unawakened
Venom Unawakened
X23 Unawakened
Blade Duped
Aegon Duped
Others (Voo Doo Unawakened, Night Thrasher Awakened, Venom The Duck Unawakened, Massacre Unawakened, Quake Unawakened (But cant play good with her), Omega Unawakened & Hyperion Unawakened