Looking for Competitive Alliance

Message me on Line BigSlim4


  • StrudZStrudZ Member Posts: 44
    AQ 5x5 gold 2 and we are looking for a few. We run discord though. If your interested check us out in game name is StrudZ
  • DaBillsDaBills Member Posts: 648
    Can't find you on line. You say competitive, we are to that :). Running map 4 and 5. 3bgs 100%. Silver 2 in war. 2bgs. Just putting it out there. In game or on line at DaBills.
  • MemphisUSFMemphisUSF Member Posts: 164
    edited July 2019
    Yeah, your name isn't coming up in the search on line. I think the search feature has been iffy a few days. I sent you an in-game friend request and a PM on here.

    I am the leader of a 5x5 20mill(when full) alliance that is finishing 160mill+ in AQ. We do 1-2 BG wars making it optional.

    HMU in-game or on Line : Apocolypse225

    and my profile just so you can see the usertag

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