Why Corvus worth rank up?

I have a 5* awaken Corvus rank 3 and I'm considering rank 5
When I see the high damage of other rank 5 champs(cap marvel, Hyperion, stark spidy) without having to rank up O don't know if is a good decision
Is Corvus really worth the Cat 5?
Why is better than the other high tier champs?
Thanks in advance
When I see the high damage of other rank 5 champs(cap marvel, Hyperion, stark spidy) without having to rank up O don't know if is a good decision
Is Corvus really worth the Cat 5?
Why is better than the other high tier champs?
Thanks in advance
A have some good options,but with limited cat 5 I have to be extremely careful who to rank up
What champs do you guys have rank 5 that was a really great decision?
I have my Domino R5 and it was a Great decision,she is sick. And can R5 2 more for now
How many damage he does your on medium attacks with 1 mission? Without suicides
TLDR: Go with the champ you enjoy playing, as presumably you use them more and thus get better at using them.
Well,the champ that I really enjoy playing is Domino,my only R5. I can rank 5 2 more champs. Just trying to be careful with the precious cat5 😀😀
The thing about Corvus is his nice utility and how all his damage is guaranteed