GRRRRR!! (NC Switch Glitch and Evade-Attack)

Okay this is actually annoying in solo quests and AW
In solo I can't reliably change to Swashbuckler and rack up damage insanely fast and in AW his timer disappears meaning he doesn't switch
Oh and lump in the sill present Evade-Attack glitch that makes it impossible to block when he evades
Hey Kabam while I understand you want money this isn't the way to get it!
In solo I can't reliably change to Swashbuckler and rack up damage insanely fast and in AW his timer disappears meaning he doesn't switch
Oh and lump in the sill present Evade-Attack glitch that makes it impossible to block when he evades
Hey Kabam while I understand you want money this isn't the way to get it!
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This is getting ridiculous
(Do you just follow me?)
Okay FORUM POLICE! However do realize that it's okay if more than 1 person has a particular thread on the same bug… and last I checked it's not illegal to update a bug when it's spread further than 1 scenario as instead if it just being in attack it's also on defense (which I was unaware of)
Specially if you know that you are doing it.
The issue was already addressed, so there is no need to create another thread
.... but it wasn't really addressed, they just asked for a video. Also, the AI evade-attack BS hasn't been updated by Kabam in weeks
I've been trying to use my Mac laptop to record evidence for use however it's very hard to actually do as I need 2 parts
1. I need to find a high level DS/Magneto to fight with NC for best chance to show the player not switching asenergy attacks are not as likely to trigger NC Evade
2. I need to play well against a high level NC with DS or Dormammu (who lags like heck!) to show him not switching
AND I need to be recording AS I DO THIS
I USED to be able to continue a combo so long as I was under 4 attacks while the enemy evades