Which 4* should I awaken and max sig?

Justin2524Justin2524 Member Posts: 1,626 ★★★★
I have a Generic Awakening gem and a Max sig gem.

I have just became Uncollected and moving on to do Act 5.3.

Who would be most useful to me going forward?

I already have awakened Omega Red, Corvus, Starky, Blade, Domino, Aegon, GR, Void, Medusa.

Which 4* should I awaken and max sig? 18 votes

Rob_Sol 1 vote
JuggerNot 1 vote
FhfjghhggggjfhfjglewiscallanBrudixTree 3 votes
Cap IW
BuckeyeKPBruinsfan8510EtjamaCtuchikVinvickThicco_ModeAshKetchumSkillful_starVatrisRWBarninkaMiloticshyam 11 votes
Luke Cage
Hulk Rag
Venom the Duck
Wait for AA, Ghost, Hyperion, Starlord, SW, etc.
Chicken_MasterdHusstle 2 votes


  • Skillful_starSkillful_star Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    Cap IW
    CapIW can do a lot for you,especially awakened and at a high sig,wolverine won't do beyond 5.2...havok,cull,magik,hulk ragnarok and venom the duck all don't need to be awakened...though they're all great,Luke cage is great awakened but not worth a generic or a max sig gem ,ghost doesn't need to be awakened as well,and while archangel and hyperion and star lord and scarlet witch do deserve a generic,I wouldn't wait much,plus star lord isn't really necessary since you have sparky...scarlet witch isn't the monster she used to be and I don't think she'll be much use beyond 5.2...hyperion and archangel are useable unawakened btw...I'd just use it on captain America infinity war.
  • Justin2524Justin2524 Member Posts: 1,626 ★★★★

    CapIW can do a lot for you,especially awakened and at a high sig,wolverine won't do beyond 5.2...havok,cull,magik,hulk ragnarok and venom the duck all don't need to be awakened...though they're all great,Luke cage is great awakened but not worth a generic or a max sig gem ,ghost doesn't need to be awakened as well,and while archangel and hyperion and star lord and scarlet witch do deserve a generic,I wouldn't wait much,plus star lord isn't really necessary since you have sparky...scarlet witch isn't the monster she used to be and I don't think she'll be much use beyond 5.2...hyperion and archangel are useable unawakened btw...I'd just use it on captain America infinity war.

    I've been leaning to Magik for a while now because of her power control which I really like, I know she doesn't need to be awakened though.

    I'm not a big user of Cap IW as my best champs are Domino and OR, so only Mutants, not sure how his awakened ability will be useful if I'm only bringing Mutants and him..
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