About the fury. True story.

GildenlowGildenlow Member Posts: 691 ★★★
So here's the thing, I had two r5 champs: domino and ghost, both awakened.

So it's been a while that I had alfa2 going to waste, to eb super honest, they were 4 hours to expire, and my 5 stars pulls have been awful for like 6 months.

Thatsaid I was ready to r5 my venom the duck, cause I just live that character, even had make that question here in the forum and out of nowhere (actually the completing of variant 2) I got nick fury along with a skill awakening gem.

So I didn't even think about it and r5 him and awakened without even have a clue of how he is (I mean, I know how he is but never used since I didn't have him even as a 3stars).

The real question here is, is he any good as a war defender? If so, in which node should he go?
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