T4 class catalyst trade in crystal rip off!
This is the third time I’ve had an overage of two different t4 class cats, and tried trading three in only to receive the other! Too many mystics and science, so I trade three mystics, and wouldn’t you know it, I get a science! Not willing to give in to supposed chance I trade three science, and like a really bad rip off arcade game at Dave and Busters, it gives me a mystic!!! Sure, I can see this happening once, or maybe even twice, but three times in a row is a flat out rip off!!! So I literally traded three of each mystic and science to receive one of each!!! How about showing the real odds of each class you’ll possibly receive instead of covering yourselves legally by sticking an intelligence insulting “t4 class cat 100%” statement under the supposed odds explanation, as if we didn’t know we’d be receiving another t4 class cat!!! Now I’m sure this negative rant will bring out the ones that always seem to state the blatantly obvious on here, but this is a serious issue when you’re talking about class cats which take a lot of time to get! There are tons of other threads stating that you should be able to choose, but I’m not going that far! I just want the odds to be real and fair instead of the AI deciding whether to reward you that day, or mess you over which seems to be the norm with crystal spins! What is really weird is this is no different from gambling, because a ton of people spend money to gain on here, yet for some odd reason this kind of game isn’t regulated like gambling sites are! I guess that’s why the crystals that you actually purchase have a true percentage breakdown of the odds, and the ones like this tell you nothing, which shows something is up in the first place! Why don’t you put out a survey on this kind of stuff, and see the negative reaction you get! Fact is most just don’t bother to complain because they know they’ll get dogged by the usual nay sayers who live on here, and in the end it will wind up deleted because you hit a nerve with the mods!
I can see a 2:1 for a random chance at another type ... but 3:1 should be a choice. If that bother's Kabam so much, fine ... go for 4:1 and give us a choice ... but please give up on making EVERYTHING so RNG based .. *sigh*
Shows a complete lack of interest/concern for providing the players what they need .. as opposed to just trying to milk them for as much as they can.