Kabam locking war rating?

MRMOJO77MRMOJO77 Member Posts: 215
Soooo.. tanking wars is an issue but going to shell alliances is ok? What's the difference? Honestly if you can't control all aspects of the idea don't control any of it. And before I get another email saying this violated foruum rules blah blah blah. Just know I sent a ticket asking the question and you told me to post to forums.... So my best guess you never read emails.


  • MRMOJO77MRMOJO77 Member Posts: 215
    Mind you I don't care that some people go to different alliance to drop war rating using shell.. not do I care that some did it this time to beat the system per say. I really am just calling out kabam in the failed experiment.
  • Fred_JoeityFred_Joeity Member Posts: 1,170 ★★★
    What are shell alliances again?
  • MRMOJO77MRMOJO77 Member Posts: 215
    Lower war rating alliances. That high profiles individuals from 1 alliance move to in order to automatically lower rating. Then place second accounts in main alliance to lose wars during season to lower that rating while still gaining on main account. Then after season switch back.
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