Inventory / stash improvements

Anakin83Anakin83 Member Posts: 30
After 4 years of game, I think it's the time to improve some items and interactions between stash and inventory:
For example:
  1. - It should be useful if, when I use some items like pots, the inventory claims automatically pots from stash to auto-fill
  2. - increase number of pots we can store in the inventory (25 l1 pots? with 6s champs? come on)
  3. ---- in alternative, the ability to "upgrade" pots (every 25 l1 pots, create a l2 pot, and so on)
  4. - XP boost. Come on. We are locked at level 60 for year. At least, it could be useful to switch it to a Gold Bost for long time players

Actually, inventory and stash don't guarantee a nice "user experience". Items are not proportional to levels the game reached.


  • The_WatcherThe_Watcher Member Posts: 148
    Same with ISO-8 inventory, 45 spaces when we can get 25 by duplicating a 4* champion? It's either use them or sell them for gold.
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Totally agree that our inventories don't match the current progression available in the game.
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