Looking for 2 active strong players for maps 3&4 Silver 2

Wolf Hunters is seeking 2 new members looking to contribute in quest maps 3 and 4 and war. Were silver 2 currently and due to inactivity had to kick several folks. We would have loved to have kept them but they couldnt commit to being as involved as we needed. Ideal members are able to run maps 3 and 4 with an occasional map 5 in quest. We do war all season so you need folks above 4k to place in defense with equal and above for attack on war and your strongest in quest.

We have a great group that are all eager to advance. We were gold 3 last season amd looking for your help to get back there. Line and communication is required.

Look me up in game or on Line as Nesheck.

All the best!
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