Dumb thoughts
When I first started on the game and the ai would throw a sp 2 after building to a sp3 I thought you could choose which special you wanted to use and would get so frustrated when I couldn't figure it out..
So, any of you had any dumb thoughts playing the game?
So, any of you had any dumb thoughts playing the game?
In other news, the title got censored.. whoops
Selling heroes. Sold the one star Logan soon as the game let me because I didn’t like the way he looked. Also sold a couple dozen three stars when I first started getting them, and my first two four stars, HB and Iron Patriot for shards early on. (I know they’re bad, but i’m sentimental still about selling them.)
Buying premiums. Because I thought that if I bought another one, I’d “eventually” get a better hero. Got real expensive real fast. 😂
Comparing myself to others. I got a two star Loki (one of my favorite characters that I had been hoping to pull) from buying a beginner’s pack in the first couple weeks of playing and thought that I’d never take him off of my roster until I started seeing everyone talking about three stars, then fours, fives, and sixes until I felt like I’d never match up to anyone else.. (I found out that it didn’t matter, everyone has their rate of progress and I’d eventually get to where the six stars were if I kept playing and had fun.)
Right without counting.
I was so wild and crazy with my swiping when I first started playing I would constantly swipe the game off the screen (still not entirely sure how I managed that, lol), and when I'd switch back to the game the fight would be paused. So I figured I can't be the *only* knucklehead doing that, so why didn't my fights randomly pause when the other guy did the same thing. I'm not sure if intentionally pausing a fight actually occurred to me for a long time, lol.