Captain Marvel's SP2 [Fix in Progress]



  • DJRipsterDJRipster Member Posts: 169
    Im surprised this issue is still under investigation, while the Vision bug is currently being fixed

    an update would be greatly appreciated
  • Crazybaca2323Crazybaca2323 Member Posts: 288 ★★
  • Crazybaca2323Crazybaca2323 Member Posts: 288 ★★
    Kabam just fix it or change it already please !
  • unknownunknown Member Posts: 378
    Finally getting attention! This has been going on WAY too long! This should have been fixed or changed months and many updates ago

    hahaha. yeah, just like the parry bug is getting attention. Don't hold your breath. Good luck ever seeing it fixed.
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  • Renegade_DoggyRenegade_Doggy Member Posts: 358 ★★
    Any updates?
  • DJRipsterDJRipster Member Posts: 169
    Guys, if you cant fix her, least you can do is send everyone who has her at rank 4 a couple of rank down tickets, so they can invest their t2alpha and class catalysts on a champ that can connect special attacks

    This is clearly an issue where a champion is no longer working as they should... Having very limited t2alpha and having to deal with this bug for months is clearly a BIG problem
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    It isn't just about her L2 getting blocked; when an enemy charges at you and you quickly dash back and use her L2 special, it will sometimes hit nothing and do 0 damage even though the enemy is trying to punch you. This doesn't happen that often, but it happens enough that I've felt the need to post here. My top hero is a 5* rank 4/55 Cap Marvel so I get a lot of use out of her.
  • DJRipsterDJRipster Member Posts: 169
    MikeHock wrote: »
    It isn't just about her L2 getting blocked; when an enemy charges at you and you quickly dash back and use her L2 special, it will sometimes hit nothing and do 0 damage even though the enemy is trying to punch you. This doesn't happen that often, but it happens enough that I've felt the need to post here. My top hero is a 5* rank 4/55 Cap Marvel so I get a lot of use out of her.

    What you've described is what I tried to do to counter her L2 getting blocked, and noticed that it didnt make any contact at all when I attempted this... Its frustrating that there is no solution to the problem atm either, so those with a rank 4 CM have to just "deal with it" for months now with zero resolution from Kabam :(

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  • King_turd123King_turd123 Member Posts: 156
    Kabam Wolf wrote: »
    Hey @Renegade_Doggy. No specific update just yet, but we do have a number of animation improvements going into both 15.1 and 16.0, so she should hopefully be fixed with one of those releases. Thanks again for your patience on this one.

    If I'm reading this right, two fixes are on the way, in two different updates, for one problem, and hopefully one works?
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    @MikeHock , have you ever had an AI opponent run under her SP2? Best way to describe it would be, the AI opponent is between Cap marvel and the SP2 energy beams point of contact to the ground. Oh, and let me add also that they get no damage inflicted as they are pummeling her. Happened only a handful of times to me against randon opponents in arena and event quests.

    @Renegade_Doggy, great post! I agree completely
  • furymachine84furymachine84 Member Posts: 92
    I am having similar issues with many champs. And special buffs/debuffs not activating. Vulture's Siphon Charge & Thermal Feedback are not doing anything except activating the timer.
  • Renegade_DoggyRenegade_Doggy Member Posts: 358 ★★
    This was reported on the old forums for several months up to the May 15th "fix".

    Surely this could have been corrected by now.
  • BomberManBomberMan Member Posts: 58
    There’s an ongoing issue with special attacks with multiple champs in many areas of the game including arenas, quests and AQ. You fire an attack and nothing happens.
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  • damianohmdamianohm Member Posts: 163
    Yea it's about time she got sorted out. Why has it taken so long?
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    I seem to be landing her L2 a lot more recently. Still, there is the rare time that she does her L2 animation as the enemy charges at me, the enemy doesn't block , and takes 0 damage.
  • damianohmdamianohm Member Posts: 163
    Still waiting....
  • DJRipsterDJRipster Member Posts: 169
    Why does this title now say Fix in Progress ?

    Is a definitive fix coming in version 16 ?
  • Kabam WolfKabam Wolf Member Posts: 1,277 ★★★
    Hey guys. The team is still working on this, and I'll let you all know as soon as I have an update for you.

    In the meantime, please keep comments relevant and constructive, or I'll have to close the thread.
  • Crazybaca2323Crazybaca2323 Member Posts: 288 ★★
    Kabam wolf no disrespect but how long do we have to wait it’s been months for a fix. If you had a issue with something would you not also want it fixed in a reasonable amount of time this is totally un excitable. People have invested money and time in ranking this hero so I think things really need to be fixed soon and not put on the back burner like it has been, I am a veteran player of 3 years and this is just crazy how long u guys take to fix heros. If there are glitches in the game that case you company a money loss they are fixed within hours, remember we are the players that help keep the company going as well.

    Thx for your time and just commenting on pure honesty!

  • DJRipsterDJRipster Member Posts: 169
    I agree with @Crazybaca2323 the fact that this hasnt been fixed in so many months is absolutely disheartening... Cap Marvel is the only rank 4 I use regularly, as i dont have a suitable duplicate to take her place for me... Having to rely on a champ whose specials are so regularly blocked results in me having to struggle more on AQ/AW and other aspects of the game compared to my peers

    When rank down tickets were last addressed it was made clear that in future they will be champ specific, and this is a case where a champ hasnt been fixed in months, and the game team has been working on her fix for several months now... Please be fair to the players who have her at rank 4 by allowing them to rank her down and use those ultra rare tier 2 alphas on a different champ
  • Crazybaca2323Crazybaca2323 Member Posts: 288 ★★
    Kabam wolf we really need a fix or this , as this pretty much counts per your criteria as a rank down ticket!!
  • Renegade_DoggyRenegade_Doggy Member Posts: 358 ★★
    During the rank downs this was expressed as "being fixed". I feel like the bait was dangled enough to get quite a few people to lock into R4 Captain Marvel, and have been pooped on since.

    Please provide a timeline, as you guys are now 5 months past your deadline.
  • Renegade_DoggyRenegade_Doggy Member Posts: 358 ★★
  • RockCity333RockCity333 Member Posts: 122
    ETA is the 11teenth of Nevermber
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