How do I approach Lazy Alliance Leaders?

- They use their energy inefficiently and will oftentimes sit on full energy, while forcing others to burn theirs.
- They skip an entire tier in AQ, claiming that they're backup but never really do anything of that sort
- They push others to get event minimums, but do just enough to get the rewards (e.g., score a 60 in Duel Skirmish)
- In AW, they do 1-3 of the easiest nodes and then you won't ever see them moving again, unless it's a close score towards the end.
How do you tell them that they suck without getting kicked?
- They skip an entire tier in AQ, claiming that they're backup but never really do anything of that sort
- They push others to get event minimums, but do just enough to get the rewards (e.g., score a 60 in Duel Skirmish)
- In AW, they do 1-3 of the easiest nodes and then you won't ever see them moving again, unless it's a close score towards the end.
How do you tell them that they suck without getting kicked?
join another ally
If you don't like how you're alliance is acting, then say it directly to the leader or officers. Always prepare to get kicked from the alliance after saying that.
In case that happens, then find a new alliance and repeat the process until you find one that you like
After a while, perhaps the leader will grow tired of his malaise and, seeing how proactive and useful you've become, offer to relinquish leadership to you. After turning his offer down once or twice, you grudgingly, humbly accept his offer and take over as leader. You give a speech telling all a brave new day is upon us, for I will lead us to the promised land of 5* shards and t4ccs, the likes of which we have never seen before.
That is when you boot everyone who has crossed you and order your loyal subjects to work harder and smarter while you serve as aq backup and join in attacks as needed, as you will be busy tending to leader-type affairs.
That's what you must do.
Leave to a good ally and tell them y u left "they sucked"