How do I approach Lazy Alliance Leaders?

- They use their energy inefficiently and will oftentimes sit on full energy, while forcing others to burn theirs.
- They skip an entire tier in AQ, claiming that they're backup but never really do anything of that sort
- They push others to get event minimums, but do just enough to get the rewards (e.g., score a 60 in Duel Skirmish)
- In AW, they do 1-3 of the easiest nodes and then you won't ever see them moving again, unless it's a close score towards the end.

How do you tell them that they suck without getting kicked?


  • MEŦAPħҰSMEŦAPħҰS Member Posts: 340 ★★
    agree with the above statement.

    join another ally
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    edited August 2017
    The following message is not spam.

    If you don't like how you're alliance is acting, then say it directly to the leader or officers. Always prepare to get kicked from the alliance after saying that.
    In case that happens, then find a new alliance and repeat the process until you find one that you like
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Sounds like your leader is taking advantage of his position he won't be happy with any confrontation. Accept it or get out.
  • Shadow_roastShadow_roast Member Posts: 399
    - They use their energy inefficiently and will oftentimes sit on full energy, while forcing others to burn theirs.
    - They skip an entire tier in AQ, claiming that they're backup but never really do anything of that sort
    - They push others to get event minimums, but do just enough to get the rewards (e.g., score a 60 in Duel Skirmish)
    - In AW, they do 1-3 of the easiest nodes and then you won't ever see them moving again, unless it's a close score towards the end.

    How do you tell them that they suck without getting kicked?

    Leave to a good ally and tell them y u left "they sucked"
  • Kronos987654321Kronos987654321 Member Posts: 584 ★★★
    There are tons of alliances. Learn to market yourself, save screenshots of good AQ/AW performances, hard content (RoL/LoL), and eventually you'll find a good home
  • KingyakoopaKingyakoopa Member Posts: 203
    When you are the boss killer you send all your pawns in first and back up the idiots who make the stupid mistakes. As leader or officer... If you don't finish... It reflects on that person who is leading the group. There are times I have to wait for all to pick a path so there is no mistakes and we have all paths covered. That's just part of being responsible in your alliance. But at the end of the day. I still end up with the most points. Because I am boss killer...
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Find a better alliance
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