4* Gem on Omega or Blade or Nick Fury?

Tiger360Tiger360 Member Posts: 1,696 ★★★★
So I very recently pulled a Omega Red from a 4* crystal and Nick Fury from a PHC. Before, I was waiting on the summoner appreciation calendar to give me a 4* awakening gem so I can use it on Blade but now things have changed. People are telling me it's between Blade and Omega. I have just finished uncollected and I still am very much a noob. I think blade will save me a ton of units due to his heal but then again Omega Red also heals a bit and deals crazy damage. Who should I awaken?


    I have both Omega and Blade as duped R5 5*. But I only R5 Omega because I run full suicides and have a Sabretooth to pair him with, because he benefits a lot from both. If that's not your case, I would say Blade may suit you better.
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