Suman_sahASuman_sahA Member Posts: 417
Hey guyz, I have opened hyperion & Omega Red from my very first 2 crystal. Now Hype in R4 & Omega in R3. Also got Darkhawk (R3)..

Currently I have Proxima, Crossbones, Hela, Carnage, Beast, Falcon, Karnak, Gwenpool, Hawkeye, Redhulk at R1. Should I upgrade any of these (I have Gwenpool 4* maxed, Redhulk 4* R4)???? Are they any good that they will help me???

Currently working on 5.2.5 (I am clearing heroic & Master difficulty EQ every month from last couple of months)


  • Justin2524Justin2524 Member Posts: 1,626 ★★★★
    I would say wait for better champs.
  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    If these are 5* champs then gwenpool,red hulk,Hawkeye are amazing options...apart from these 3 carnage is another awesome option to rankup..gwenpool has massive bleed damage,Hawkeye has easy to use power control and rulk has a really good damage output along with poison and incinerate immunity(I would suggest taking Hawkeye over gp as u have a maxed out 4* for now)
    If u need an ability reduction champ then xbones is an amazing option and carnage has no utility but a really amazing bleed damage output given u have maxed out deep wounds
    Proxima has high damage output but her playstyle is a little tedious...I have mine at r3 and am still trying to play well with her
    Overall u have some really good champs and u should rank them up and ignore the post above mine
  • digital-SOBdigital-SOB Member Posts: 261 ★★
    5* should be ranked up, r4 her only when duped
  • digital-SOBdigital-SOB Member Posts: 261 ★★

    5* should be ranked up, r4 her only when duped

    GwenPool. Idk what happened lol
  • Suman_sahASuman_sahA Member Posts: 417
    currently i am working on corvus to get him as 5/50 (by the time I get 3 t2a to r4 omega). after corvus, I will take any of 4* Medusa or 4* Blade or 5* gwenpool or 5* hawkeye for upgrade to r3 or 4* to maxout.. I am thinking to get medusa (for aq sentinel & drone) & blade to maxout (4* maxout = 5* r3), because I cant rank r4 any of those for a good amount of time after omega. So, what youy guyz say?
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