Act 5.1 100%, act 5.3 or get. 6*

MCoC_fanMCoC_fan Member Posts: 110
I beat the collector last month and I'm not sure what to do now. Should I do 5.1 100 ( quests 1,3,4 already done) or should I try to complete 5.3 or focus on getting my first six star. My current roster includes A 4/55 awakened magik 5/50 awakened Corvus 5/50 x bone 5/50 ghost 4/40 awakened domino, CAIW, Luke Cage Hulk and 4/40 unawakened cap marvel, Hyperion, GR and doc Oct along with five star quake and yondu at rank 2 unawakened I plays quake B+/A-

Act 5.1 100%, act 5.3 or get. 6* 11 votes

5.1 100
Savio444KillerRino19Kobster84Skillful_starMilan1405H3t3r 6 votes
Repto23X_Factor_AgentJustin2524 3 votes
Get a 6* first
Tony886Django4774 2 votes


  • Repto23Repto23 Member Posts: 840 ★★★
    The rewards for exploring 5.1 aren't worth your energy atm, if you can manage it I'd go for the initial run through of 5.3 and maybe 5.4 if your crushing it (which will bring you closer to getting your first 6*)
  • Milan1405Milan1405 Member Posts: 952 ★★★★
    5.1 100
    5.1 exploration is easy if you get used to bane or brute force (can't remember the exact nodes on quests 5 and 6). 1-4 are flare, life transfer etc and are super easy. 5-6 are a bit more challenging, but definitely doable with your team of 5/50s and 4/40s. And the rewards are nice, such as a 4* generic you could use on an unawakened god tier
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