Should I wait for a better 5star to rank up?

Been playing for 4-5 months now and I got a bunch of great 4 stars, most un-duped. My first 3-5 stars are Gambit, Jane Foster and normal Iron Man. Currently stuck on 4.4.4. Questions: Are we expected to spend units to complete story mode chapters? Should I keep ranking up 4 stars or 5 stars. I feel like I should wait for better 5 stars and it’s gonna take me a month to get ranked up enough to beat 4.4.4. My current go to champs are: Duped 4s 5/5 Quake, Duped 4s 4/5 Heimdall, 4s 4/5 Glave, 4s 4/5 Gwenpool & 4s 4/5 Namor. Any tips or advice is appreciated.
Join a good alliance hitting atleast 20-30m in AQ and take the 4* to rank 5 asap. Do the monthly Event quests in master difficulty as well. Spend units on Story quests only in Act 5.
You will spend units on revives, potions and energy refills doing story. Having better champs will cut down on spending for revives and potions, you can farm and even save up for a push in between AQ and AW for instance. Energy refills are pretty much needed for said push to maximize how much you can accomplish in the down time, also getting into higher story quests one path will take more energy than a full bar leaving you to either wait or pop a refill.
I finished act four with much less