Should I wait for a better 5star to rank up?

ToastbusterToastbuster Member Posts: 40
Been playing for 4-5 months now and I got a bunch of great 4 stars, most un-duped. My first 3-5 stars are Gambit, Jane Foster and normal Iron Man. Currently stuck on 4.4.4. Questions: Are we expected to spend units to complete story mode chapters? Should I keep ranking up 4 stars or 5 stars. I feel like I should wait for better 5 stars and it’s gonna take me a month to get ranked up enough to beat 4.4.4. My current go to champs are: Duped 4s 5/5 Quake, Duped 4s 4/5 Heimdall, 4s 4/5 Glave, 4s 4/5 Gwenpool & 4s 4/5 Namor. Any tips or advice is appreciated.


  • Obaid_Jacob03Obaid_Jacob03 Member Posts: 72
    Wait for better 5*.. You have a great 4* roster who can actually get you the Uncollected title(5.2.6).
    Join a good alliance hitting atleast 20-30m in AQ and take the 4* to rank 5 asap. Do the monthly Event quests in master difficulty as well. Spend units on Story quests only in Act 5.
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  • KillerRino19KillerRino19 Member Posts: 370 ★★
    Continue to invest in you 4*'s because your 5*'s are pretty much useless. Also i hope you get lucky and pull a good 5* from your next crystal. Also if both Corvus and Namor are unduped i think Corvus would be better as you next rank 5.
  • WardenZeroWardenZero Member Posts: 722 ★★★
    I would rank Gambit but only cause I love him. He’s kinda trash though.
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    Focus on ur 4*s
  • NightMonkeyNightMonkey Member Posts: 97 ★★
    You can take Corvus to 5/50, you'll be using him a lot for future content too; also, if you don't already, learn how to maximize his damage cause at rank5 he is able to do any single fight in Act4 with ease.
  • BrudixTreeBrudixTree Member Posts: 801 ★★

    Been playing for 4-5 months now and I got a bunch of great 4 stars, most un-duped. My first 3-5 stars are Gambit, Jane Foster and normal Iron Man. Currently stuck on 4.4.4. Questions: Are we expected to spend units to complete story mode chapters? Should I keep ranking up 4 stars or 5 stars. I feel like I should wait for better 5 stars and it’s gonna take me a month to get ranked up enough to beat 4.4.4. My current go to champs are: Duped 4s 5/5 Quake, Duped 4s 4/5 Heimdall, 4s 4/5 Glave, 4s 4/5 Gwenpool & 4s 4/5 Namor. Any tips or advice is appreciated.

    I wouldnt rank up neither iron man, nor jane foster nor Gambit, None of them are woth r3, better use These ressources to rank up corvus, gwenpool and above all, Namor!!!! As you will hopefully be choosing him to awaken from the appreciation calendary, e, corvus and gp are really really really really 10000 times better at r5 then any of your 5 stars at r3
  • digital-SOBdigital-SOB Member Posts: 261 ★★
    My advice would be to push with the team you have until you have to use revives and potions, ask yourself is it worth spending on these or is now the time to slow down to build my roster up. Having better champs makes getting through content easier and spend less units. Having to spend as little units as possible to clear quests is the goal for us all.
    You will spend units on revives, potions and energy refills doing story. Having better champs will cut down on spending for revives and potions, you can farm and even save up for a push in between AQ and AW for instance. Energy refills are pretty much needed for said push to maximize how much you can accomplish in the down time, also getting into higher story quests one path will take more energy than a full bar leaving you to either wait or pop a refill.
  • ToastbusterToastbuster Member Posts: 40
    Thanks everyone. Yes I do wreck with Corvis, his attack is insane. I will be duping Namor in a few days with the awakening gem we will be receiving. Yes I do do the master events and just joined a decent alliance. Also, I forgot I had a 5 star Bishop and I just pulled a 5 star Spider-Man classic. SMH, I don’t think I’ll be ranking them either. Just gonna max out my 4 star studs and hopefully I’ll get at decent 5 star finally.
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    Your four stars can easily get you uncollected
    I finished act four with much less
  • Jaymix79Jaymix79 Member Posts: 266 ★★★
    I became uncollected last night and only used one 5*. Rank those 4*’s up and go beat the collector.
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