In Need of A New Alliance

I'm searching for a new allinace.
I'm a map 6 and map 5 player with gold 1 tier 5/6 player experience.
I would like to find an alliance that:
* runs map 6 (a minimum of 2 times) and map 5 (3 times) per battle group (66555)
* AW in gold 1 or 2, who is pushing for better rewards
* uses line app for communication
* doesn't allow freeloaders
* all members contribute
* An alliance running map 6 should not require minimum event scores (SA, item use, etc)
* An organized alliance, with strong leadership/officer participation
* is US or UK mixture
* a chat room that is suitable for work
About me:
* 1.09m rating
* 8306 prestige rating
* adult player with work/family commitments
* active but I’m not a boss killer. I get you to boss, but I can’t take them down.
* I might consider running 66655
* former leader and officer
* I have specific paths in map 6 that I excel on (I would prefer keeping those paths)
* Time zone: gmt-5. But I play more like a gmt time zone player (due to work hours)
My line id is: quinsfan.
Please drop me a line if you are interested.
Thanks for your interest.
I'm a map 6 and map 5 player with gold 1 tier 5/6 player experience.
I would like to find an alliance that:
* runs map 6 (a minimum of 2 times) and map 5 (3 times) per battle group (66555)
* AW in gold 1 or 2, who is pushing for better rewards
* uses line app for communication
* doesn't allow freeloaders
* all members contribute
* An alliance running map 6 should not require minimum event scores (SA, item use, etc)
* An organized alliance, with strong leadership/officer participation
* is US or UK mixture
* a chat room that is suitable for work
About me:
* 1.09m rating
* 8306 prestige rating
* adult player with work/family commitments
* active but I’m not a boss killer. I get you to boss, but I can’t take them down.
* I might consider running 66655
* former leader and officer
* I have specific paths in map 6 that I excel on (I would prefer keeping those paths)
* Time zone: gmt-5. But I play more like a gmt time zone player (due to work hours)
My line id is: quinsfan.
Please drop me a line if you are interested.
Thanks for your interest.