S4VED Christian based/Family friendly Alliance

Alliance Tag: S4VED
Current Rating: 15.8 million
We are in need of two players. Skill is more important to us than your rating. We would like two players who would actively participate in almost every AQ, map 4 or 5. Also looking for players who want to participate in near every in-season war.
Our rules are not many. We require use of LINE for communication and expect you to use it. Everyone is welcome at our alliance as long as you use family friendly language and can play at our level.
For AQ we run 3 BGs: Maps 5, 4 and 1 for those who can't be active. We start AQ at 4pm PST because we cater to many time zones and that has worked out best for us.
For AW we only have been running 1 BG. More demand would change this. We usually finish at Silver 1 or Gold 3.
Donations are not mandated. We just ask you to give out of generosity.
I can be reached via PM here or my LINE ID is dreadlockmatt
Current Rating: 15.8 million
We are in need of two players. Skill is more important to us than your rating. We would like two players who would actively participate in almost every AQ, map 4 or 5. Also looking for players who want to participate in near every in-season war.
Our rules are not many. We require use of LINE for communication and expect you to use it. Everyone is welcome at our alliance as long as you use family friendly language and can play at our level.
For AQ we run 3 BGs: Maps 5, 4 and 1 for those who can't be active. We start AQ at 4pm PST because we cater to many time zones and that has worked out best for us.
For AW we only have been running 1 BG. More demand would change this. We usually finish at Silver 1 or Gold 3.
Donations are not mandated. We just ask you to give out of generosity.
I can be reached via PM here or my LINE ID is dreadlockmatt